Electric chain hoists are one of the most common and widely used tools for heavy lifting. From construction sites to warehouses, electric chain hoists can be found in a variety of different types and sizes, allowing for heavy items to be moved with ease. If you’re new to using Electric Chain Hoists, this guide will help you become familiar with their operation and how to use them safely and efficiently.
1. Understand the sling configuration — Before operating any type of hoist, it is important that the operator understand how the slings or supports are configured. Standard configurations use two slings, but may also use four or more depending on the size of the load being lifted.
2. Inspect the equipment — Prior to operation, it is essential that all parts of the chain hoist be inspected for any signs of wear or damage that could affect its operation. This includes checking for corroded chains, frayed rope cables, loose connections, bent hooks and any other abnormalities.
3. Attach Chain Hoist To Lifting Point — The rigging point should be a secure connection point capable of bearing the weight of the load you will be lifting with your electric chain hoist; this could either be an existing structure in which case you should attach two sling legs to ensure even loading distribution or an engineered attachment such as a swivel hook clamp or eye-bolt taking into consideration not only static weight but dynamic shock loads in operations involving fluctuating weights such as lifts over human workers for example.
4. Load Weight Onto The Electric Chain Hoist — Ensure that all personnel involved are wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during this process as required by local health and safety regulations before beginning your lift/operation. Once everyone is suitably protected from risk then connect your load directly onto your hoisting device via appropriate sling rigging ensuring even load distribution at all times strictly adhering to ‘load labelled capacity’ plate markings on both manual and powered machines(note: manufacturers often supply data on recommended safe working load limits).
5. Clean Up after Use — After completing your project or work it is imperative that operators clean up their equipment before storage particularly if exposed outdoors where environmental corrosion may occur which can greatly reduce product lifespan.. Prior to leaving site check unit visually & tactiley checking all chains/cables , bolts & fixings have been loosened correctly also adhere strictly ‘off’ switch procedures marked clearly on machine control boards for extra reassurance & emergency preparedness plans in hand carried out mentioned previously during initial induction training processes where applicable especially in large corporate team efforts
In conclusion, electric chain hoists are an extremely versatile tool that can be used in a variety of different applications. However, it is important to understand the proper operation and safety procedures before using them. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your project is completed safely and efficiently.